IJM Services will assist you with:
  • preparing your individual or business income tax return (sole proprietorship, partnership, S-corporation, non-profit organization)
  • filing amended returns
  • reviewing your tax returns for any deductions your might have missed
  • filing prior year tax returns

Sales tax is an excise tax levied on the exchange of tangible personal property and selected services sold at retail. If the tax is not properly collected and remitted to the state, you could be held liable for payment and could be charged interest and penalties.
IJM Services will prepare and timely file Sales Tax Returns with the State and the City of your operations.

IJM Services PLLC
Accounting & Income Tax

9150 W. Indian School Rd., Ste 112A, Phoenix, AZ 85037
Tel. (623) 643-8578 • Fax (623) 742-3948

Income Tax